Hardwood Flooring in Kitchens Review: Pros and Cons
Hardwood is regarded as one of the most desirable of flooring materials, and it almost always adds value to a home. But it's also well known among professionals that hardwood floors are somewhat high-maintenance and are a poor choice for wet locations. Some flooring manufacturers make claims that the factory finishes make their products water-resistant, but it's worth noting that they are never described as waterproof. Hardwood is easily discolored by water and the can fibers swell, which can cause the entire flooring surface to buckle. Manufacturers always caution against the installation of hardwood in rooms where wet conditions are likely, and even installation against concrete slabs is questionable since moisture can migrate through the concrete.
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Original Article Source Credits: the spruce, https://www.thespruce.com
Article Written By: Lee Wallender
Original Article Posted on: 03/01/21
Link to Original Article: https://www.thespruce.com/hardwood-floor-in-a-kitchen-1821883